Boards spend only 9% of their time considering risk.
(2017: 1,126 sample)
Only 6% believe they are effective at managing risk.
“On strategic opportunities and risk trade-offs, boards should foster explicit discussions and decision making among top management and the businesses.”
McKinsey: October 2018
Conventional strategies are...
- Backward-looking, not forward
- Linear in nature, often based on un-tested assumptions
- Artificially “quantitative”, resulting in a false sense of certainty
- Preventative of rigorous criticism during development, due to collaborative incentives
Senior Managers
Frequently avoid discussing the “elephant in the room”, because they:
• Don’t have an answer
• Don’t want to put their egos/reputations at risk
• May not even know the elephant exists
• May have authored the “elephant”… a dated and failing strategy
Middle Managers
Possess key facts since they are “in the trenches” everyday vs. competitors
Have less ego involvement in the current strategic plan
Are fearful of contradicting/embarrassing senior management in meetings
Same old, same old.
THE IMPLICATION: Failure is almost guaranteed in a highly dynamic world.