Change Your Company’s Trajectory

An A+ team of operationally-oriented advisory companies
We change the trajectory of your company’s earnings and growth while reducing risk.
- Increase earnings 25+% to accelerate growth.
- Achieve 90+% accuracy in predicting economic and business outcomes.
- Secure proprietary IP to become the industry leader.
Client companies include: Accenture, BAE, Blackstone, Dish, Gap, Hasbro, KKR, Humana, Panasonic, US and foreign governments.
THE PROCESS / We work with the CEO and his/her team to:
- Guide the process and integrate the deliverables of the respective advisors.
- Develop a strategy to leverage the new competitive advantages of the company.
- Design the optimal capital structure and raise the required capital, if necessary.
- Compensation: Cash and equity to assure alignment.
SEQUENCING / In our experience, these first two initiatives (Team A and Team B) have the maximum positive impact and lay the foundation for subsequent significant improvements in value:
LEADERSHIP / Team A obtains the best executive coach for the CEO
- Every elite athlete has a coach, so should every CEO to significantly improve performance.
- The gains from personal coaching are so impactful that the top tennis players and golfers pay for their coaches out of their own personal resources.
- McKinsey: “Organizations whose leaders successfully empower others through coaching are nearly four times more likely to make good decisions than those whose leaders don’t and to outperform industry peers financially.”
- Every CEO needs someone he/she can confide in whose sole allegiance is to the CEO. By definition that individual isn’t the Chairman of the Board or his/her PE/VC executive superior since those individuals are representatives of the investors
Team A: Over 100 of the world’s best coaches otherwise only available by word of mouth.
- Interviews the CEO and suggests three different coaches.
The coach chosen works with the CEO for approximately an hour each week for an initial term of six months but more likely in the range of twelve to twenty-four months.
- I have known the founder for 25+ years, who is acknowledged as “the best executive coach in the world”.
OPERATIONS / Team B implements an operating plan that will improve earnings by 25%+
- Most of this improvement is achieved by combining and editing the insights and ideas of that company’s employees which Team B leverages with its experience and proprietary software.
- Team B provides confidentiality, so employees can be candid with their observations.
- Team B only has senior people with operating experience.
- 50+% of Team B’s compensation is contingent on successful implementation where Team B works with the line managers.
- Earnings gains achieved each year as a % of the stated goal:
+ 25% in year 1
+ 75% in year 2
+ 100% in year 3
Selected clients: KKR, Blackstone, Humana, Panasonic
Case studies: Summarized in the Appendix of this PDF
NEXT STEPS / The sequencing of the next steps are custom tailored to each company’s circumstances.
Some may be performed in parallel while others are best approached sequentially.
INDIRECT PROCUREMENT / Team C outsources indirect procurement to increase PBT by 2 to 4 points
- Indirect procurement purchases can amount to 20%+ of a company’s revenues.
- Risk-free:
+ Estimate of the savings is provided at no charge in under five weeks.
+ Fixed price contracts with decrements if targeted savings aren’t achieved and increments if the targets are exceeded.
+ No markup. Client receives all invoices and is the contracting party. - Improved flexibility: Can access supplementary suppliers on a timely basis if needed because of the relationships and leverage that Team C has with these suppliers.
Selected clients: Dish, Gap, Hasbro, Ocean Spray, Prudential, Rite Aid, Titleist
PROPRIETARY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY / Team D can give your company a commanding IP position in its industry to become the industry leader
Designs patent portfolios from a top-down perspective leading to the ability to identify emerging and converging market categories the control of which can be obtained through a strategic patent portfolio. (e.g., the Industrial Internet of Things)
Can expand a company’s existing patent portfolio to enhance its competitive advantage.
Can extend the company’s patent portfolio to new industries to improve the strength of the patent claims and provide incremental revenues.
Can license/sell Team D’s proprietary IP to the client, providing the client with a potentially controlling IP position.
RISK REDUCTION / Team E significantly minimizes risk
90+% accurate in predicting results as per verification by the US government.
- Used by the US State Department in every significant negotiation.
- The proprietary analytics, AI and software are so powerful that only the declassified version can be employed in commercial situations.
Applications: M&A, Negotiations, Contracts, Due Diligence, Regulatory Risk, Business Process Engineering, Marketshare Analytics
Selected clients: Accenture, BAE, De Beers, Raytheon, US and foreign governments
STRATEGIC NEGOTIATIONS / Team F is the premier firm in negotiation strategy and execution
- Negotiation professionals who are the recognized leaders in this discipline
- The outcomes of these situations are too important to be led by executives who don’t do this full-time.
- Key axiom: The principal should “never be in the room.”
+ Avoids the principal being “put on the spot” as in “so do we have a deal”? since agents can’t commit, which provides time to evaluate and to consider potential alternatives.
+ Permits differing strategies such as “good cop/bad cop”.
+ Allows for disavowal of an aggressive strategy: Principal: “I never authorized that approach”.
+ Lets any residual friction attach to the negotiator and not the principal or to the company.
INNOVATION / Team G starts the management thinking creatively with new approaches and high impact ideas
- Team G is the leader in the Design Thinking space: a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.
- Guides the company on how to leverage a multi-disciplinary team with diverse perspectives to achieve unique solutions.
- The company’s executives learn collaborative, multi-disciplinary approaches to achieve high-impact, breakthrough solutions resulting from the synergies of diverse experiences, competencies,
and perspectives. - New areas to consider:
+ The Metaverse: a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users: brand marketing/consumer engagement; digital twins; training
+ The Permissionless Corporation: Uses digital technologies to unleash the creative and collaborative potential of people rather than trapping them in endless reporting and coordination loops.
WAR GAMING / Team H applies War Gaming to test Design Thinking hypotheses
Team H: Senior US Navy officers (ret.) who have used War Gaming as a management tool throughout their careers for logistics, supply chain, battle plans, etc.
A wargame is a role-played simulation of a business situation.
War Gaming does not predict the future: it identifies potential futures.